Cookies policy

The website (“Website”) uses cookies and similar technologies to improve the online experience.


1. Data Controller

The Data Controller is Marchese Zanardi & Partners (“Data Controller”), with registered office in via Massimo d’Azeglio 21, Bologna, Italy. Telephone (+39) 051 238405, email


2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that make it possible to generate statistics on the use of the Website, to understand browsing experiences and identify needs.

Data collected through cookies are used to make the browsing experience more enjoyable and efficient in the future.


3. Types of Cookies

Cookies may be classified under several categories, according to their characteristics:

    1. Technical cookies

      Session cookies: essential for the proper operation of the Website. The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the work session (they are deleted when you close your browser).

      Persistent cookies: these cookies allow websites to collect and anonymously analyse information on the use of the Website in order to optimise its operation. For example, your language selection may be recorded to enable the Website to automatically select it for subsequent visits. These cookies are not deleted when you close your browser, but rather saved on your computer for two years unless you delete them. Keep in mind that if you choose to disable this type of cookie, some areas of the Website may not work properly.

      Both session cookies and persistent cookies are “first party” cookies, i.e. they are managed directly by Marchese Zanardi & Partners as specified in this disclosure.


    2. Analytical cookies

      These cookies allow us to anonymously collect and analyse the traffic and use of the Website, to monitor the system and to improve its performance.

      Concerning this type of cookie, the Website uses “Google Analytics”, a third party analytical cookie, managed by Google Inc., a third party organization with respect to Marchese Zanardi & Partners.

      You can disable these cookies by clicking here. Disabling these cookies does not in any way negatively affect your use of the Website.


4. Cookie Management

You can decide whether or not to accept cookies by using your browser settings.

Leading browsers allow users to define different settings for first party and third party cookies.